Inform yourself on the context of the Challenge on Demand problem.
In this documentation chapter, we explain what led us to design the Chall-Manager as such. We go from the CTF limitations, the Challenge on Demand problem, the functionalities, the genericity of our approach, how we made sure of its usability, to the innovative testing strategy.
Inform yourself on the context of the Challenge on Demand problem.
Understand why it was a problem before chall-manager.
What is the layer of genericity ?
All architecture documents, from the API to the Kubernetes deployment.
How we balanced Availability and Consistency for acceptable performances.
How do we handle the update of an infrastructure once it runs ?
Learn how we designed security in a “RCE-as-a-Service” system, and how we used its features for security purposes.
Find how we handle fairness in the use of infrastructure resources with expirations.
Learn how we designed a SDK to ease the use of chall-manager for non-DevOps people.
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